TrackerPAL II is a comprehensive ankle monitoring device from SecureAlert. Like its predecessor, TrackerPAL II offers a convenient, inexpensive solution for monitoring offenders, providing an alternative solution to the nation's overcrowded prisons. TrackerPAL II combines two- and three-way voice communications with GPS and radio frequency (RF) tracking technology in a single-unit, tamper-resistant device. This allows SecureAlert's 24/7 monitoring center and law enforcement officers to communicate directly with an offender at any time, without the need for a cell phone. TrackerPAL II also allows for the installation of a tamperproof companion beacon in an offender's home or work. This beacon communicates with the device to tether an offender to a specified location. This allows SecureAlert to monitor the specific region an offender occupies within an apartment building, duplex or house. SecureAlert's products and services save the criminal justice system millions of dollars while providing peace-of-mind to communities.